Discover the best Gutenberg WooCommerce themes for your successful online store

如今,贸易行业发生了巨大变化。这种享誉数百年的工艺经历了真正的突破,从市场转移到了网络世界。此前,顾客需要前往其他城市甚至大陆购买商品。Now everything is easier and faster as everyone can comfortably order home delivery via contactless payment。这种趋势有很多好处,特别是对企业家来说。如今,您只需要一个网站即可产生销售。它将成为一个购物平台和强大的营销引擎。它使您能够接触全球受众并在全球范围内交付您的产品。您想进入这个行业并战胜竞争但没有足够的技能吗?古腾堡 WooCommerce 主题是这方面最好的助手!

Templates are a real treasure trove for entrepreneurs who are struggling to develop a full-fledged e-commerce without the skills or help of a third party。他们为您的网站提供了具有现成界面元素和功能的专业基础。有了所有的块,您就不必担心从头开始设计和摆弄代码。In addition, thanks to the convenient block editor, all pages can be customized quickly, easily, and to meet your expectations。它可以节省时间并帮助您获得完美、高质量的结果。想知道所有的微妙之处吗?我们走吧!

Why do users like WooCommerce Gutenberg Editor Templates?

让我们从基础知识开始,了解集合中模板的本质。首先, WooCommerceWordPress is an extension that lets you launch a full-fledged online store with the platform at its core。它继承了 CMS 的所有优势,并包含电子商务的附加功能。因此,您拥有完全的灵活性、易用性和现代化的工具包来实现任何目标。由于这种组合,该系统适合具有任何 IT 技能水平的用户。Are you a beginner looking for a simple tool for your job, or a professional eager to get innovative features for your project with all the added features?每个人都会找到必要的细节并充分享受体验!

一个有价值的功能也是古腾堡兼容性。For those who can create web masterpieces without having to delve too deeply into the code, page builders are a lifesaver。The block-based visual editor allows you to create new parts, add buttons, and customize pages with simple drag-and-drop operations without requiring IT skills。It makes WordPress available to everyone who wants to successfully open a store without outside help and going broke电子商务

集合的优点仍在继续。A large community of professionals gathered around WordPress can make your resource launch experience more enjoyable。他们创造出真正的杰作,准备成为您未来项目的理想基础。使用现成的主题,您可以显着加快开发速度并避免从头开始构建元素。您需要产品目录、支付系统集成或愿望清单吗?Everything is at your service!With this set, you can create your own shop without any puzzles or large investments and get professional results。尝试一下,亲自看看!

古腾堡 WooCommerce 主题 - 主要功能

The assets in this collection are a real treasure for you as they combine an attractive look with unique features。此外,所有布局均经过全面优化并提供高性能。它保证了无错误的操作,用户可以立即访问内容。模板填充也令人印象深刻。With innovative features, you can offer your customers a pleasant shopping experience and become a top company in the market。In addition to basic features like shopping carts and catalogs, there's a discount and gift certificate system, a management panel for tracking campaign success, and a recommendation block。在这里查看更多好处并将其用于您的目的:

  • Fully responsive - all blocks look correct on any device, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops;
  • SEO friendly - your resources are located at the top of search results and get natural traffic with high quality SEO Settings;
  • 下拉菜单- You can easily and harmoniously place all categories while maintaining a minimalist style and providing quick access to each page;
  • 谷歌地图 - 添加您办公室的位置,为客户提供快捷路线;
  • 多用途 - 资产适用于任何项目,从销售服装到汽车配件店;
  • Blog module - With blog integration, you can publish exciting articles and get natural traffic;
  • Portfolio - Showcase your projects, skills and strengths to attract employers and capture the best career opportunities;
  • Multilingual and multi-currency - expand your business audience with convenient language and currency switchers;
  • Gallery - Photos of your products and teams are a great solution to add some enthusiasm to your resources;
  • Management Panel - Manage all sales and marketing activities through a user-friendly and well-structured dashboard;
  • 定期更新 - 作者关心他们的产品并定期为他们提供定期更新。


您是第一次使用 WordPress 吗?没问题!一些教程 - 您将快速成功地应对所有流程。点击链接了解一些技巧,然后继续为您成功的商店设置布局。喜欢看!

古腾堡 WooCommerce 主题常见问题解答

Gutenberg WooCommerce 主题是什么?



是的。Assets can be fully customized through the page builder, so you can modify elements and enjoy great results。

如何使用 WooCommerce 主题?


  • 为您的开发项目选择并下载高质量的布局。
  • 定制外观并体现您的企业风格。
  • 提供顶级功能,在各个阶段提供愉快的购物体验。
  • 让商店充满内容并定期更新。
  • 开始推广并会见您的第一批客户。

What if I have questions about the Gutenberg WooCommerce theme?
