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Created: 2017年5月8日

Updated: 2020年6月19日

ID: 63936

og体育首页ONE - 无限制下载 $14.10/月

410k 项目 | 商业用途 License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support 加入后可下载此产品  免费
Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 1Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 2Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 3Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 4Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 5Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 6Inthera-咨询中心WordPress主题 - Features Image 7


如果您曾经梦想帮助陷入困境的人并让他们的生活变得更好,让我们介绍一下咨询中心WordPress主题。该主题具有整洁干净的设计,提供平静和安全。它还具有多功能功能,这将帮助您以最佳方式展示您的中心。如果您想改善客户的福祉并让更多人关心他们的健康,Inthera 正是您所需要的。

对于那些拥有治疗或咨询中心的人来说,咨询中心 WordPress 主题将是一个很好的解决方案。它是在 Elementor 插件和各种强大的附加组件的帮助下设计的,因此所有部分都是 SEO 友好且有吸引力的。


拥有咨询中心 WordPress 主题后,您还可以获得完全现成的页面包以及所有演示内容。您可以在自己的网站上使用默认图标和图像。页面模板包括:

  • 首页,以代表您的公司并给出一条服务信息的方式构建;
  • 关于页面,您可以在其中放置有关您的中心和历史的更多信息;
  • 治疗师页面 - 人们可以在这里找到有关您的团队成员的信息;
  • 博客页面,在沟通和吸引新客户方面发挥着相当重要的作用;
  • 联系人页面,其中放置了与您联系的所有属性。


此外,最近的一些帖子直接展示在咨询中心WordPress主题的主页上。联系表格几乎位于每个页面上,这可以帮助人们毫不费力地给您留言。联系人页面模板还包括 Google 地图小部件,以便人们可以找到您的办公室。说到博客页面,所有帖子都以网格布局组织。而且,所有内容都按类别排序。


咨询中心 WordPress 主题为您提供了添加、自定义或删除单个部分以及页面的机会。但是,如果您在使用该主题时遇到任何问题,请立即写信给我们。知识渊博的技术支持团队随时准备为您提供帮助。我们100%竭诚为您服务。

9 Reviews for this product

The template is very simple and friendly. it's easy to install. Also your clients. The page on this template will be modern and adapted. You can modify many things. The file structure is transparent. Easy to configure and modify. A very intuitive way of making changes. I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions. You will certainly be satisfied.
Fantastico un tema unico on molte possibilità, facile installazione intuitivo e allo stesso tempo molto bello e accattivante graficamente, Personalizzabile sotto tutti gli aspetti e con tanti plugin a disposizione. lo consiglio vivamente a tutti un acquisto un must per questo genere di attività sicuramente il milgiore nel suo genere. ne ho provati molti ma questo è senza ombra di dubbio il migliore
So far, it has been a very pleasant experience working with this template. The only thing not made completely clear to the customer is that the assets do not come included with this template. You will have to literally replace every image in the design. So the buyer should be aware of this prior to purchase. If you buy this thinking all images are included, you will be disappointed. But overall, the template is smooth and great otherwise.
Отличная тема. Долго среди медицинских шаблонов не искал. Сразу запал на этот.
very nice theme, and the template was easy to customize. Thank you guys!

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WordPress Builder:

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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver