24.Storycle - Multipurpose News Portal WordPress Elementor Theme

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shoppingBag Försäljning: 507

Created: 31 maj 2018

Updated: 26 mars 2024

ID: 69580

og体育首页ONE - Obegränsad nedladdning för 14.10$/mån

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24.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图片124.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图片224.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图片324.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图424.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图524.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图624.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图724.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图824.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图片924.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图片1024.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图1124.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图1224.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图1324.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图1424.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图1524.Storycle -多用途新闻门户WordPress元素主题-功能图16


24.Storycle (March 26, 2024):

Investory, Cryprate, Fashion, Sport, Tech skins

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.19 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle (September 06, 2023):

Personal skin

  • WordPress 6.3 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.15 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle (August 11, 2023):

Default skin

  • WordPress 6.2.3 compatible;
  • WooCommerce 7.9 compatible.
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.15 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle (September 1, 2022):

  • Minor bugs fixed .

24.Storycle (August 19, 2022):

  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle (May 31, 2021):

  • Added skin Photographer Blog;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle ( April 26, 2021):

  • Added skin Sport Blog;
  • Added skin Tech Blog;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

24.Storycle ( March 31, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Theme rebuild;
  • Elementor Page Builder up-to-date;
  • WordPress 5.7 compatible;
  • WooCommerce 4.6 compatible.

37 Reviews for this product

IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT - IT, molto pesante e lento a caricare. Inoltre, Quando l'ho comproato(13/06/20)解决插件问题, 如果不使用任何插件,则可以使用unpo - di - tempo / unplugin - bloccava / intersito - wordpress, nessun conflitto con altri plugin, era un errore di codice. L'assistenza è cordiale, però non molto veloce. 我将会用我的语言来描述我的方向,我的姿态,我的复杂风格. Ci sono sezioni che è可能的修改,非指定的nella documentazione. Inoltre, La cosa più grave del tema e e non - posede unvero pannello di controllo dove poterere tuttto sotto controllo. Ho chiesto il rimborso prinicpalmente per il mal funzionamento, per me il tema non vale 75€, forse 20€ si. Lo sconsiglio a tutti. A questa cifra è possibile comprare dei colossi su ThemeForest. 奇妙的主题与所有的功能,但不是很直观, very heavy and slow to load. Also, 当我买的时候(20年6月13日),附带的插件有很多问题, 我有一段时间无法使用这个主题,因为一个插件封锁了整个wordpress网站, no conflict with other plugins, it was a code error. Assistance is friendly, but not very fast. 这个主题并没有为管理它的人提供便利,反而使它变得过于复杂. 有些部分可以编辑,但没有在文档中指定. In addition, 关于主题最严重的事情是,它没有一个真正的控制面板,你可以控制一切. 我要求退款主要是因为故障,对我来说主题不值得75欧元,也许20欧元是的. I don't recommend it to everyone. At this figure it is possible to buy giants on ThemeForest.
这是一个非常好的网站模板的新闻频道或报纸. I already purchased it and used it with jet element plugins. 它整洁干净的模板,支持谷歌字体,在我当地的马拉地语中也能很好地工作. 这个模板为我的文章博客提供了一个专业的报纸外观. 它有很多像HubSpot一样的内置插件,所有用户都可以访问报纸网站. This template has included a lot of useful templates, especially mega menu templates which helps me lot. One can set up his/her own sidebar with sidebar templates. 当一个人可以建立一个报纸网站,并要求在每个不同的页面上定制侧边栏时,这个功能非常有用. It provides me a lot of liberty to work. 这个模板也有适当的设置,将您的自定义广告放在适当的地方,并以非常适当的方式使您的网站货币化. Hubspot is also helpful for email marketing and other analysis. 这个模板还包含了许多小而有用的插件. 我想推荐这个插件,如果有人寻找报纸网站
Always excellent support and the theme is perfect. Elementor is the best tool to build and play with the theme.
Приобрел данную тему под новостной сайт. С установкой не возникло никаких проблем, оченьпонравилосьотсутствиепроблемнаэтомэтапе——спредыдущимимоимиприобретениямивозникалисложностин(еставилсядемо-контент, структура не соответствовала виду демо и т.д), здесь же всё поставилось на ура! Не могу дать оценку поддержки авторов, таккакобращатьсякнимнепришлось)Спасибозафункциональнуюиудобнуютему, шаблон всем рекомендую!
我将模板è molto bello e funzionale, ma troppo pesante per essere caricato senza problem

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Code editing tool ZIP unarchiver

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